2022-2023 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
    Mar 02, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life

Activities and Programs

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Student Life’s diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives seek to support the immediate and long-term success of Furman’s historically underrepresented students using current research on belonging, wellbeing, and career engagement while also inviting all students to critically consider issues of diversity, equity and inclusion in order to develop leaders with research-based competencies for a global community. Staff collaborate with a variety of administrative units on campus to intentionally design a comprehensive, university-wide approach to diversity, equity and inclusion.

The Associate Dean and Director of the Center for Inclusive Communities provides oversight to the strategic direction for the division’s diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, and collaborates with campus officials in the execution of the University’s strategic diversity plan. These collaborative efforts include representing the division’s interests on the university’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, and serves on the Bias Incident Response Team. The Associate Dean and Director for the Center for Inclusive Communities develops programming within the student experience, provides direct support to individual students and advises the Student Diversity Council. The council is composed of student organizations that embrace a broad definition of diversity to include world views formed by race, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, national origin, abilities, and sexual orientation. Organizations representing the rich diversity of religious identity are advised out of the Office of Spiritual Life. The Student Diversity Council member organizations promote and sustain diversity through mutual support, cooperation, and co-sponsorship of events among all student organizations.

Heller Service Corps

Furman students participate in volunteer service with the 70+ local agencies and schools via the Heller Service Corps. Heller Service Corps pairs students with opportunities for service outside of the Furman campus. Through opportunities designed to engage students and support the community, volunteers can serve in the areas of recreation, education, medical, animal interest, special needs, sustainability, and community concerns. All students are encouraged to become involved with the service corps; transportation is available when necessary. For more information, visit hellerservicecorps.org or stop by the Heller office in the Trone Student Center.

The Shucker Center for Leadership Development

The Shucker Center for Leadership Development is named in honor of former Vice President for Student Services, Dr. Harry B. Shucker.

The Shucker Leadership Institute is the flagship program of the Shucker Center and has existed in some capacity since 1995. The Shucker Leadership Institute is a two-year program designed to help students explore their passions, strengths, and values, experience personal, professional, and team-based contexts for leadership development, and engage with the community. During the first year, our new fellows focus on exploring leadership on the individual and group levels. During their second year, sophomore fellows put this knowledge into action as they learn about leadership on the societal level and then culminate their year with a Leadership Challenge Project, or LCP. Through this project, sophomores will seek to engage and make an impact at Furman and beyond. In keeping with the Furman Advantage, the Shucker Leadership Institute strives to give our fellows high-impact experiences and opportunities to engage with the greater Greeville community. A cohort of incoming freshmen are selected in the fall of each year to become new fellows in the Shucker Leadership Institute.

Clifton Strengths at Furman helps students unlock their unique talent DNA so they can maximize their potential in personal, professional, and academic contexts. When students know and understand their natural talents, they make choices and decisions that matter to them, which ultimately leads to a more purposeful life. Through group and team-based workshops, 1:1 conversations with our Certified Strengths Coaches, and peer interaction with student Strengths Ambassadors, we can help students discover and ultimately articulate the unique way they accomplish their goals. Our team is here to help students discover, harness, and leverage what makes them uniquely powerful.   

Other Shucker Center programs and offerings include the Furman Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), Furman Student Leadership Awards, and leadership development training programs. For more information, visit furman.edu/shucker-leadership-development.

Student Activities & the Trone Student Center

The Trone Student Center is the focal point for students to become involved in campus life. Whether joining an organization, attending a CLP or simply meeting a friend for coffee, students can always find something that suits their needs at the Trone Student Center.

The focus of student involvement at Furman is exciting and innovative programs planned and produced by students. Student Involvement staff coordinates many of these campus programs and advises the Furman University Student Activities Board (FUSAB) as well as the new student orientation program.

FUSAB plans and produces a wide array of social, cultural and recreational programs each year, including concerts, comedians, movies, lectures, dances, special events and more. FUSAB also offers discount tickets to various concerts and events in the Greenville area. Students will be selected each fall for membership in FUSAB.

Orientation is a comprehensive program designed to introduce incoming students to life at Furman. The new student website, furman.edu/new-students, answers many pertinent questions about starting out at Furman, including details about summer orientation and many other tasks that students must accomplish before arriving on campus. Summer orientation is an intense introduction to academics at Furman culminating with students meeting one-on-one with an academic advisor to review fall course options. The five-day fall orientation program, conducted immediately prior to the beginning of class, provides essential life skills, residential living information, and social interaction to all new students that will ensure a smooth transition from high school to Furman. For questions regarding Furman’s Orientation programs, please contact us by e-mail at orientation@furman.edu.

The Trone Student Center provides extensive recreational and extracurricular activities for students. In addition to meeting rooms and student gathering spaces, the Trone Student Center is home to a large variety of student organizations, including SGA, FUSAB, Student Diversity Council, Heller Service Corps, student publications, and the campus radio station. The PalaDen Food Court, Paddock Restaurant, Print & Post Express (P2X), a Barnes & Noble bookstore, and an information center are located in the Trone Student Center. Also in the Trone Student Center are the offices of the Vice President for Student Life, Dean of Students, Student Involvement and Engagement, Volunteer Services, Malone Center for Career Engagement, Shucker Center for Leadership Development, Center for Inclusive Communities, and the Center for Engaged Learning.

Spiritual Life

The Office of Spiritual Life (OSL) engages the heart and spirit of students, faculty, and staff by embodying a value for sacred mystery, nurturing mature spiritual formation and the pursuit of ultimate meaning and purpose. We seek to develop moral courage and justice, fostering multifaith education and relationship and supporting a rich diversity of spiritual communities. 

The chaplains work with students, faculty and staff from all or no religious traditions to coordinate spiritual life at Furman, overseeing religious specific programs, spiritual and moral dialogue, and pastoral care and counseling. The OSL also leads ecumenical and interfaith community worship opportunities throughout the year. 

Furman encourages an ecumenical spirit that affirms the diversity of religious traditions represented on campus. Complementing the leadership of the university chaplains, campus ministers offer leadership to individual groups and are available for pastoral care and counseling. Campus religious organizations include: Association of Hindu Students, Baptist Collegiate Ministry, Canterbury (Episcopal), Catholic Campus Ministry, Delight Ministries, Exploration of Vocation and Ministry, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Furman University Gospel Ensemble, Habitat for Humanity, Interfaith Youth Core, International Justice Mission, Jewish Student Association, Latter Day Saints Student Association, Lutheran Student Association, Mere Christianity Forum, Muslim Student Association, Orthodox Christian Fellowship, Presbyterian Church USA (UKirk), Reformed University Fellowship, Sangha, Secular Student Alliance, Sexuality and Faith Exploration, and Wesley (United Methodist). These organizations provide opportunities for service, fellowship and seek to create an atmosphere conducive to spiritual and moral growth. The Religious Council, composed of representatives from each religious organization promote mutual understanding and cooperation among the various groups.

Student Organizations

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) is Furman’s student-led governing body. SGA consists of various branches, each serving the student body in its own way. The Furman University Student Activities Board (FUSAB) coordinates a wide array of entertainment for students to enjoy. The Religious Council consists of a representative from each official religious organization and promotes inter-faith dialogue and events. The Recreational Sports and Intramural Councils oversee the creation and funding of all intramural and club sports teams. The Student Diversity Council, comprised of representatives from student organizations supporting multiculturalism or diversity, strives to promote collaboration among these organizations and throughout the entire campus community.

SGA is comprised of representatives from all elements of the student body. Each class is represented by four class representatives. The SGA executive officers consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. A Parliamentarian is also appointed to serve on the Council.

In addition to fulfilling its role as the coordinating body for SGA, the Council functions as the primary liaison between the faculty, administration, trustees and student body. All undergraduate students are members of the association, which is funded through a student government fee. The SGA Council conducts its business each Monday evening in open meetings. Student Life staff serve as advisors to SGA.

Campus Recreation

Intramural Sports, Club Sports, the Paladin Outdoor Program (POP) and Challenge Course programs are all organized by Campus Recreation staff.

Intramural Sports includes seven activities for men and women: soccer (indoor and outdoor), basketball, softball, volleyball (indoor and sand) and bowling. Men and women participate together in softball and both types of volleyball. The Club Sports program provides opportunities for students to compete against other universities in activities such as powerlifting, cycling, rugby, soccer, triathlon, lacrosse and baseball.

Departmental Clubs and Organizations

Membership in departmental clubs and professional fraternities is by invitation, based on student interest. Organizations at Furman include the American Chemical Society, the Bartram Society, Order of Furman Theatre, Sigma Alpha Iota, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Philosophy Club, Society of Physics Students, Psychology Club, Spanish Club and the Political Thought Club.

Fraternity and Sorority Life

Furman has a total of 13 fraternities and sororities and two governing councils: the Furman Panhellenic Council (FPC) and the Interfraternity Council (IFC).

The six Panhellenic sororities chartered at Furman are Alpha Delta Pi, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Kappa Delta, and Zeta Tau Alpha. The five fraternities that compose IFC are Beta Theta Pi, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Furman recognizes two NPHC organization as well, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and Kappa Alpha Psi.

Furman utilizes a deferred recruitment process, meaning that fraternity and sorority recruitment takes place at the start of the spring semester. In order to participate in recruitment, be eligible to receive a bid and/or join an organization, students must have earned 12 or more credits. Students wishing to join a fraternity must earn a minimum GPA of 2.25 or greater. Most individual organizations require a higher minimum GPA. Sorority grade requirements vary from chapter to chapter, but a GPA of 2.50 or greater is considered competitive.

The Director of Student Involvement oversees each of the governing councils, which act as umbrella organizations for the individual fraternities and sororities.

Furman University Student Activities Board

The Furman University Student Activities Board (FUSAB) plans and produces a wide array of social, cultural, and recreational programs each year.  Programs include, but are not limited to: concerts, comedians, movies, dances, special events, and more.  FUSAB annually sponsors the Homecoming Carnival, Winter Wonderland, and the Last Day of Class (LDOC) celebration.  Additionally, FUSAB also offers discounted tickets to various events in the Greenville area.  Students are selected each fall for membership in FUSAB.

Honor Societies

Furman’s chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the oldest scholastic honorary in America, known as Gamma of South Carolina, accepts candidates for Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Music degrees who have completed at least 95 semester hours in liberal arts courses. Students are eligible for election on the basis of qualifications set by the chapter in accordance with the regulations of the national organization.

Phi Eta Sigma is a national scholastic honor society for college freshmen, founded in 1923. Its goal is to encourage high scholastic attainment among freshmen in institutions of higher learning.

Organized in 1916, Pi Kappa Lambda is the national honor society in music. The Furman chapter, Gamma Beta, was chartered in 1970. Seniors and juniors with a minimum residence of six terms at Furman who are outstanding in musicianship and scholarship qualify for membership.

Organized in 1904, the Quaternion Club is an undergraduate-alumni organization for men. Undergraduate membership, limited to four juniors and eight seniors, is based on character, scholarship, leadership, loyalty, and service to the institution.

Founded in 1938, Senior Order is an organization for senior women who have shown outstanding abilities in their college careers and have rendered service in the college community. Membership is limited to no more than 15 students.

Omicron Delta Kappa is composed of junior and senior men and women who have shown qualities of character, leadership, scholarship and service to the university and its constituents. Omicron Delta Kappa’s main concern is leadership and service. Furman’s chapter sponsors the Babb and Reid awards to the outstanding female and male members of each class.

Kappa Delta Pi is an international honor society that recognizes the outstanding achievement of those who make significant contributions to education. Open to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the teacher education program, membership is based on intellectual competence and scholarship; overall performance in the program of teacher education; leadership potential; and commitment to students and teaching. The Xi Epsilon chapter was installed in 1977.

Lambda Pi Eta is the national honor society in Communication Studies. Organized around and devoted to the Aristotelian virtues of Logos (reasoned discourse), Pathos (passionate concern), and Ethos (character and ethical discourse), Lambda Pi Eta is comprised of students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in Communication Studies and liberal education. The Nu Theta chapter was installed at Furman in 2001 and invites membership on the basis of qualifications set in accordance with the regulations of the national organization.

Among other national honor societies are Alpha Epsilon Delta, pre-health; Alpha Kappa Delta, sociology; Beta Beta Beta, biology; Eta Sigma Phi, classics; Omicron Delta Epsilon, economics; Phi Alpha Theta, history; Phi Sigma Iota, foreign language; Phi Sigma Tau, philosophy; Pi Gamma Mu, social science; Pi Kappa Lambda, music; Pi Mu Epsilon, mathematics; Psi Chi, psychology; Pi Sigma Alpha, political science; Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish; Sigma Pi Sigma, physics; and Sigma Tau Delta, English.

Religious Council

Furman’s Religious Council (RC) is a governing body comprised of 23 religious organizations including campus ministries, service-based groups, and topically-centered organizations. RC gathers bi-weekly to discuss and assist in program coordination of the member organizations and any phase of religious life on the campus which is in the interest of the student body. As a governing body representing a multi-faith community, Religious Council seeks to promote an open, inclusive, and respectful atmosphere within Furman’s wider community. 

Residential Life Council

The Residential Life Council (RLC) is a representative student organization serving the residents of university housing at Furman. The goal of RLC is to make living at Furman the best it can be; acting as a liaison between students and housing to improve University policies and procedures; and provide practical services to students, such as shuttles to the airport and free food during finals. Through serving the residential community and planning social events, RLC provides the opportunity for any student who is looking to get involved on campus. RLC has something for everyone who shares the common interest of improving residential life at Furman. 

Student Diversity Council

The Student Diversity Council (SDC) is comprised of nine student organizations that strive to affirm the diversity of the campus community in its many forms by embracing teh fullness of diversity as an array of difference including, but not limited to: abilities, culture, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, national origin, race, and sexual orientation. The member organizations plan a variety of campus porgramming including Cultural Life programs (CLPs) and heritage month celebrations. As a multiple constituency governing body, SDC and the member organization foster, promote and sustain a community that values diversity through mutual support, cooperation, and co-sponsorship of events. These organizations promote and sustain diversity through mutual support, communication, and co-sponsorship of events.

The member organizations include: 

  • ASIA: Association of Students interested in Asia
  • CSA: Chinese Student Association
  • FPA: Furman Pride Alliance
  • FUISA: Furman University International Student Association
  • HOLA: Hispanic Outreach and Latinx Awareness
  • NAIA: Native American and Indigenous Peoples Association
  • NAACP: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
  • SLBC: Student League for Black Culture
  • Unity

Student Media

Student editors publish The Paladin, a bi-monthly newspaper; Echo, a literary magazine; and Bonhomie, a yearbook. They also manage WPLS, an online radio station, and the Furman University News Channel, an online videography station. All publications are available at no cost to students.


Intercollegiate Athletics

Furman’s intercollegiate athletic department sponsors 18 varsity programs at the Division I level of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). The Paladin’s athlethic program consists of ten women’s sports: basketball, cross country, golf, lacrosse, soccer, tennis, indoor and outdoor track and field, and volleyball and eight men’s sports: basketball, cross country, football, golf, soccer, tennis, and indoor and outdoor track and field. Additionally, the department also sponsors the cheerleading program. 

Furman is a member of the Southern Conference (Big South Conference for women’s lacrosse) and has a longstanding national reputation for both its academic and competitive excellence. 

Herman Lay Physical Activities Center (PAC)

Overseen by Campus Recreation staff, Furman has exceptional facilities for physical activities which include a swimming pool, a gym for basketball or volleyball, a dance studio, and a fitness center with a variety of exercise options. The fitness center has over 70 cadio machines including adaptive motion trainers (AMT), elliptical trainers, treadmills, stationary bicycles and rowing ergometers.  In addition, there are eight squat racks, numerous free weights, and a variety of other strength-training machines.

Name, Image, and Likeness Policy

Furman University’s Name, Image, and Likeness Policy

Cultural Opportunities

Through the combined facilities of the university and the Greenville community, students may attend lectures, plays, concerts, recitals, art exhibits and other cultural programs.

Exhibits of works by Furman art students and faculty and touring exhibits are displayed in the Thompson Gallery located in the Thomas Anderson Roe Art Building.

Mutliple plays a year, ranging from classical to modern, musical to mystery thriller, are presented in the Furman Theatre Playhouse and Furman Amphitheatre. 

The Furman music department sponsors more than 200 concerts which are open to the public each year in a number of on-campus venues including McAlister Auditorium, Daniel Recital Hall, Furman Amphitheatre, and the Daniel Memorial Chapel. This wide array of opportunities to experience high quality live music includes presentations by ensembles of all shapes and sizes, such as major choral and orchestral concerts, faculty recitals, chamber music programs, student recitals, and guest artist recitals. In addition, there is an active series of concerts in the community which include the Greenville Symphony Orchestra and the Greenville Chorale.

Student Services

Malone Center for Career Engagement

The Malone Center for Career Engagement supports students in developing and achieving career goals that lead to meaningful careers. Services include career advising appointments on career exploration, resume and cover letter writing, job search strategies, and the graduate school application process. In addition, the Malone Center hosts a variety of online resources and programs to connect students to employers and alumni in their career of interest including career fairs, alumni panels, and treks. 

Built on a model of academic department partnerships, our process of professional preparation is designed to connect students with both resources and individuals who can inform and guide students through the complicated process of career planning.  Our ultimate goal is to ensure a successful transition to top-tier employment opportunities and graduate education.

Commuter Services

All students permitted to live off campus are urged to participate fully in extracurricular activities. Ample parking is available and a Furman mailing address can be obtained in the Trone Student Center. Commuters may purchase food at the PalaDen also in the Trone Student Center or in the Charles E. Daniel Dining Hall.

Counseling Center

The Counseling Center offers an evidence-based comprehensive and integrated mental health stepped care model which includes a range of treatment interventions and options from the least to the most intensive based on students’ mental health concerns. Counselors strive to empower students to maximize and manage their own mental health well-being to achieve academic and interpersonal success in a rigorous and transformative campus environment. 

In addition to concerns pertaining to adjustment to university life, such as stress, homesickness, grief, as well as cultural and identity difference, other common concerns include anxiety, depression, disordered eating and substance abuse. 

A rapid and flexible access to an array of mental health treatment options may include online self-help solutions, group or single session counseling, walk-in crisis counseling, 24-hour crisis hotline, limited psychiatric consultations, and nutritionist services. The Counseling Center provides integrated case management and community referrals for individuals whose symptoms require specialized or intensive treatment. 

Furman’s Counseling Center provides a safe and welcoming supportive space for students of all backgrounds, opinions, and concerns. Services are free and confidential. 

Dining Services

All resident students are required to subscribe to a meal plan. See the Fees and Expenses Policy  section of this catalog for more information.

Missed meals may not be made up. Students who have an extraordinary situation that requires them to miss meals regularly during the term should consult with the food service director to discuss their options. Meal plans and identification cards are non-transferable. Students may not pass, loan or sell their meal plan or identification card to anyone. Transfer of a meal card may result in disciplinary action as addressed in the Student Handbook  .

The dining hall is open throughout the academic year except during university breaks.

Student Office for Accessibility Resources

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2009 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Furman is committed to providing students equal access to university programs and facilities regardless of disability. Information about university procedures related to accommodations under ADAAA may be obtained from the Director of Student Accessibility Resources, as well as from the Student Accessibility Resources web site at www.furman.edu/soar.

Student Health Center

The Earle Student Health Center is available to Furman undergraduate day students Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. when the University is open.  The Center is operated by Prisma Health, which is the largest health care system in the Greenville area and as such brings with it the largest network of health care practitioners and specialists to serve Furman’s student body. The Center is managed by a physician as medical director who oversees two nurse practitioners and the complete nursing and administrative staff.  The Prisma Health partnership also gives students direct access to Prisma’s Travelers Rest Family Medicine practice on Saturdays.

The Center provides acute care, chronic disease management (including intermittent exacerbations), travel medicine, immunization, allergy injections, TB testing, Women’s health, contraceptive care, and STI testing.  Referrals to specialists or hospitals are made by physicians and nurse practitioners.  If hospitalization is required, the provider will make the necessary arrangements.  Families will be notified in case of serious illness or accident. 

Students should bring their health insurance card with them when visiting the Center. Students’ primary insurance provider will be billed. Furman provides all students with a Student Sickness Benefits Plan (at no additional cost) that will generally cover co-payments.

When campus housing is closed, medical needs are the responsibility of the individual student.  A listing of options for after-hours care is available on the Health Center web site.

For emergencies, call the University Police at 864-294-2111.

Housing and Residence Life

Residence halls and apartments are more than just places to study and sleep; they are communities where students learn to live with people of different values, behaviors and beliefs.

The university offers a variety of housing accommodations for approximately 2,600 students. Generally, freshmen and sophomores are assigned to residence hall-style housing in South Housing or Clark Murphy Complex. The Bell Tower Cabins, known as the Greenbelt Community, are also available for students who wish to live in a community committed to learning about sustainability.

Generally, juniors and seniors live in apartment-style housing. Juniors typically live in shared bedroom apartments, while some juniors and most seniors live private bedroom apartments. Although a few single rooms on campus are available, most students are housed in double or triple occupancy rooms. Rooms may be re-configured to accommodate three people comfortably and safely when necessary.

In traditional residence halls, students are not permitted to visit on hallways or in the rooms of students of the opposite sex except during visitation hours, which occur from 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. daily. In co-educational halls, visitation regulations are the same as in other residence halls, and the staff are specially trained to offer activities that encourage healthy interaction between women and men. Students residing in North Village follow a self-regulated visitation program.

Housing and Residence Life staff communicates with new students about roommates, room assignments and policies. Housing regulations and expectations covering care of property, maintenance, safety and social conduct are published in Furman’s Student Handbook .

All students must plan to live in campus housing for four years. Exceptions will be considered for students who are commuting from home, married, non-traditional, have a dependent to care for or who have a documented and approved accommodation through SOAR. All students living off-campus must have approval from Housing and Residence Life. Additionally, students planning to continue study beyond their fourth year may request on-campus housing, but space is limited and not guaranteed.

Veterans’ Affairs

Eligible veterans, dependents and active duty students may certify their enrollment to use educational benefits at Furman University through Enrollment Services.

Student Rights and Regulations

An institution, like an individual, has a character developed out of its accumulated experience and expressed in its purpose, goals and values. Furman’s character is reflected in part in the policies and regulations which govern its students. Elements which have helped shape those regulations include the size of the university, its co-educational status, the diversity of its student body, the liberal arts tradition, and our commitment to academic excellence.

Students who enroll at Furman must understand that they are part of a residential living and learning environment where they should respect the rights of all members of the university community. Furman expects that students will act in a manner that is respectful of the rights and privileges of others. The university has a responsibility to provide an environment which is conducive to the freedom to learn on the part of its students. In order to provide such conditions, Furman has developed policies and procedures designed to safeguard this freedom.

Responsibility for maintaining the integrity of the community rests with each individual member. Only if every member assumes responsibility for personal and group integrity and civility will the community best meet the developmental needs of its members. Each person must examine, evaluate and regulate his or her own behavior to be consistent with the expectations of the Furman community. The university maintains in its Student Conduct Code  policies that reflect behavioral expectations for all Furman students. Furman students are required to be honest in their academic work and to obey all university policies and regulations.

Furman is not a sanctuary where students may escape the responsibilities imposed by law upon all citizens. The university does not condone the violation or attempted violation of federal, state or local laws. Alleged violations may be referred to appropriate local, state or federal law enforcement and the appropriate university official or through the student conduct process.

Regulations governing student conduct at Furman are ultimately the responsibility of the Vice President for Student Life. Students are expected to follow the rules set forth in this catalog and in Furman’s Student Handbook . Violators of university regulations are subject to penalties which range from a reprimand to suspension or expulsion.

Furman’s student conduct system is educational, but does not condone inappropriate or illegal behavior. Irresponsible behavior will not be tolerated and will be addressed so that students understand the reasons for our policies and how their actions may adversely affect themselves and others.

Since Furman is a private institution, it reserves the right to refuse re-enrollment to a student whose personal or academic adjustment has been unsatisfactory. Acceptance for one term does not necessarily imply acceptance for succeeding terms. The university reserves the right to amend its rules, policies and procedures at any time.